The musical adaptation of Water For Elephants is set to bring the beloved story to life in a whole new way, with a talented cast of actors, singers, and dancers taking on the iconic roles of Jacob, Marlena, and Rosie the elephant. The production will feature stunning costumes, elaborate set designs, and a score filled with original songs that capture the magic and excitement of the circus.
Fans of the novel and movie adaptation can expect to be transported back in time to the world of the Benzini Brothers Circus, where love, betrayal, and redemption unfold against the backdrop of the Great Depression. With a creative team that includes Tony Award-winning director Diane Paulus and choreographer Mia Michaels, audiences can look forward to a visually stunning and emotionally resonant theatrical experience.
Tickets for Water For Elephants are sure to sell out quickly, so be sure to secure your seats for this highly anticipated Broadway premiere. Don’t miss your chance to witness the spectacle and wonder of the circus come to life on stage in this unforgettable musical event.
Samuel L. Jackson is the highest-grossing actor in Hollywood history