Elon Musk’s Neuralink, a groundbreaking venture, has successfully implanted an innovative device into the human brain, sparking curiosity and interest among the scientific community and the general public alike. This remarkable achievement has garnered attention due to its potential to revolutionize the field of neuroscience. The implant developed by Neuralink holds the promise of enhancing human cognition and bridging the gap between humans and artificial intelligence. As we delve deeper into the intricacies of this technological marvel, it becomes evident that Neuralink has the potential to unlock a plethora of possibilities in the realm of brain-computer interfaces.
Elon Musk has announced a major development in his plan to connect human brains with devices wirelessly. He revealed that the first human has received a brain implant from his company, Neuralink. Although the person’s identity remains unknown, Musk assured that they are recovering well. Initial results have shown promising neuron spike detection, indicating successful communication between the brain and nervous system. This news follows Neuralink’s recruitment of potential human test subjects for its clinical trial, which received FDA approval last year. The trial, called PRIME, involves using a robot to surgically insert the implant’s wires into a specific area of the brain related to movement. The ultimate goal is to allow individuals to control computers and smartphones through their neural activity, without the need for physical movement or wires. Neuralink’s implant procedure utilizes custom-made microscopic needles, ensuring minimal damage to the cortex. The company aims to place a small, cosmetically invisible implant in the brain to facilitate movement planning.
According to Neuralink, the implant consists of “1024 electrodes distributed across 64 threads.” It is the main hardware component of the trial, along with the surgical robot and the Neuralink user app that connects wirelessly to a computer or other device.
On their website, the company states that the N1 Implant is powered by a small battery that can be charged wirelessly from the outside using a compact, inductive charger. This allows for easy use from anywhere.
During the announcement of the human implant surgery, Musk revealed that the product would be called Telepathy. He also tweeted that it would enable control of your phone or computer, and even other devices, simply by thinking.
Musk mentioned that the initial users of the implant would be those who have lost the use of their limbs. He emphasized the potential for faster communication, comparing it to Stephen Hawking communicating faster than a speed typist or auctioneer.
Neuralink’s goal is to redefine the boundaries of human capability. They invite prospective participants in the PRIME trial to shape the future of interaction and independence, not only for themselves but for countless others.